10. For the Bible Tells Me So
A poignant documentary about religion and homosexuality from Sundance '07 that leaves no dry eyes
9. Eastern Promises
Bloody but awesome story
8. Juno
All it's cracked up to be. If you haven't seen it yet, give into the peer pressure!
7. Superbad
I nearly peed I laughed so hard.
5. Enchanted
Great message, and one of the best new actresses (Amy Adams)
4. Rocket Science
Another Sundance '07 pick, the quirky feature debut by the director of Spellbound
3. Crazy Love
You cannot make this shit up! A documentary you HAVE to see to believe
2. God Grew Tired of Us
Add this powerful documentary about Sudanese boys to your Netlix queue - NOW!
1. Once
If you don't love this affecting Irish musical with a flaming passion, you have no heart. I mean it.
I just saw Eastern Promises recently and really loved it! I still haven't seen Once, which is a real trajedy!
random fact- Juno was filmed in the house in vancouver my little sister is now living in. Juno's room= her room!! weird.
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